May 11, 2021


Great article, but what does "just be careful" even mean? Once you're "famous" you're no longer in control of your own life. You are no longer free, and you have to work hard to maintain it or the goodies stop coming. Plus if you get famous enough, you become a target for all kinds of people from the harmless fame seekers, stalkers, grifters, and the homicidal. Any little thing you do can be blown way out of proportion. Look at what happened to Kathy Griffin. She made an award-winning career out of making fun of the D list (basically the actors unable to keep cashing in on their dwindling fame) and had her career smashed, which she documents in her film "A Hell of a Story". I'd advise anyone who wants to be famous to see the film. Or at least read her Wikipedia entry.




Autodidact. Retired writer. Adore learning; despise being taught. Maven of many things.